
Bukken Wee

The cause of much anguish in our home:

"Bukken Wee" is how our little guy says "broken chewy." And as you can see, it's definitely broken. We did it. We made the big snip. It's gawn. Mama was tired of the constant all-day-long crying for it. If only he had controlled himself and kept it to bedtimes. Alas.

Theme: Colours - Green


  1. Even knowing what those were, I sat and stared for a few minutes to get my bearings! Such a neat pic!

  2. Great picture! I hope the anguish is short lived.

  3. i love that pic. Lots of grief caused from one little "wee"

  4. Thank you!! I took about five pics and then realized that there was a cool reflection! So much for strategy and a good eye and all that. ;D So I changed my angle, and there you have it. FTR, "bukken wee" is how Evan says "Broken Chewy" in case there's any confusion.

  5. I remembered reading what you were taking pics of....but it still took me a minute to figure it out! Cool pic!

  6. LOOVE it!! When you were talking about a 'chewy' earlier, I thought you were talking about a dog toy!! This is much cuter!! Poor Evan! :(

  7. Poor Evan :( Izzie feels his pain!

  8. That is such a cool picture! I love the light and the reflection! Hope sweet Evan has an easier time with it soon!

  9. That's a fantastic image!

    ::feels all sad for the bukken wee::
